If You’re Hoping To Reunite With Loved Ones In Heaven, Think Again

When you die, you aren’t immediately reunited with your loved ones, despite what many Christians believe.

Chrissie Massey
2 min readMay 22, 2024
Photo by Sebin Thomas on Unsplash

Every Christian believes that when you die, God judges you for your sins. He decides your fate, either Heaven or Hell. However, Ranker shares that’s not the case, according to the Bible.

Instead of going to Heaven or Hell, deceased people are in a deep sleep state, awaiting judgment day. In fact, Ranker says that Hell has no people in it. The only inhabitants are Satan and his demons.

Everyone who has lived on Earth, from the worst to the best, has been sleeping and waiting for the second coming. No one will be reunited with their loved ones until after Judgement Day.

This goes against everything the church teaches. As a child, the church taught the class that when we die, we will be reunited with our family and loved ones. Apparently, that is not how God operates.

Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Another fact about Heaven and Hell is most people will meet a fiery end. When judgment day arrives, most people will go to Hell…



Chrissie Massey

Spent my adult life writing online for many publications — both online & print. Now, I’m finding my voice, and sharing it with the world. she/her